Decades ago, while Philip H. Lieberman was soaking in a bathtub and listening to the radio, he heard anthropologist Loren Eiseley ponder an evolutionary puzzle: Why couldn’t monkeys talk? Like us, they’re social primates, intelligent and certainly not quiet. Rhesus macaques grunt, coo, screech and scream. Infant macaques make sounds known as geckers. Despite the grunting and geckering, though, no other primates — not even the chimpanzees and bonobos, our nearest ape relatives — can make the vowel and consonant sounds we know as speech.
More here – Washington Post
PS: You mean Planet of the Apes is not possible….WTF?
I just had a quick chat with Mark Wahlberg.
He and I agree that swinging around and playing dumb is sometimes the smartest thing to do, until all the other genius masters of the universe nuke themselves out of the picture.
I had completely forgotten about that shitty Mark Wahlberg remake…..thanks for reminding me.