Yes, our Mentor Program results have been audited!
After a very focussed, labour-intensive audit, we are very proud to announce that we have successfully passed a full audit of the generic Mentor Program system results! Full details of the Mentor Program trading system are shown at the bottom of this webpage.
Watch this video to hear more about the audited Mentor Program results…
This audit was completed and signed off by a Registered Company Auditor, which is the highest level of auditor in Australia. Not only does this provide peace of mind for you, but it also goes a long way towards showing you that our methods and record-keeping have been independently verified.
Of specific note with the audit is this comment:
“Our review found that the Generic Mentor Program Trading System is profitable over a range of market conditions based on the period of review. The profitability was confirmed by back testing analysis which showed the system to be robust and profitable through all testing parameters.”
Our equity systems switch themselves of in times of high volatility and move to cash. At the same time the All Ordinaries suffered a drawdown of 55%. So whilst the average return for index funds was negative this basic Mentor Program system was positive.
When the system was running at full speed its average return was over 30% pa. And in 2011 its return was over double that of the market’s return. Bench-marking against the All-Ords provides context for the trading activities.
We teach that there are some times to trade equities, & other times to be in cash. This makes sense. Plus, it allows you to switch to other markets during these times as well.
Plus the maximum drawdown on the system was 3.9% compared to the markets 55%. So this is a substantial comfort, especially when people are trading their Superannuation equity. Lots of traders who haven’t don’t the Mentor Program lost even more than 55%. I even know of one trader, aged 69, who lost 70% of their Super. It’s hard to get it back when you’re 69, isn’t it.
Risk Considerations
All trading involves risk. Leveraged trading has large potential rewards but also involves taking on the possibility of large potential risk. Be aware and accept this risk before trading. Educate yourself so that you can quantify your risk prior to entering any position in the markets. Always think of the worst case scenario and never trade with money you cannot afford to lose. All forecasting is based on statistics derived from past performance and past performance is no guarantee of future results. The past cannot be completely duplicated and be aware that there are no “safe” or “no loss” trading methods. No-one or no company can ever guarantee profits or freedom from loss. No representation is being made that any account will achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed.
On this website are some comments from attendees and customers of Louise Bedford’s and Chris Tate’s events and other programs. These comments are not typical and may vary from individual to individual. Each individual’s success comes from many factors including a dedication to implementing the programs and products that we teach and provide. The income statements or comments are not intended to represent any form of guarantee or guarantee that every person will achieve the same results. There is no guarantee of achieving the same results and you recognise that any business or trading endeavour has inherent risks for loss of income or capital.
The testimonials shown on this website accurately show some comments from attendees and customers of Louise Bedford and Chris Tate’s events and other programs. These comments are not typical and may vary from individual to individual. Each individual’s success comes from many factors including a dedication to implementing the programs and products that we teach and provide. The income statements or comments are not intended to represent any form of guarantee or guarantee that every person will achieve the same results. There is no guarantee of achieving the same results and you recognise that any business or trading endeavour has inherent risks for loss of income or capital.
Testimonials are potentially non-representative of all clients. Your trading results may vary from those case studies detailed on this website and in any event held by anyone associated with this website. Trading Game is not a broker of licensed to provide anything other than general advice. Your actions and the results of your actions in regard to anything you receive from this or related entities including but not limited to Trading Game, Trading Secrets, The Art of Trading, TG Trading Floor, or any associate company or individual are entirely your own responsibility. We cannot and will not assume liability for any losses that may be incurred by the use of any information received and any such liability is hereby expressly disclaimed.
The Trading Game encourage participants to test and adapt the learning from all programs, products and services to suit their own trading style, and encourage all individuals to test the components to satisfy themselves that the trading methods meet their needs. Measurement of subsequent results and continual adjustments to suit current conditions are encouraged to be written down and discussed with independent financial advisors. Working to a written trading plan that is tested, measured and adjusted is an essential component of effective trading and this is strongly emphasised and recommended.
There is no guarantee that, even with the best advice available, you will become a successful trader because not everyone has the personal attributes required to become a successful trader. Education may make you the best trader that you, personally can be, but this is no guarantee that you will be profitable. It is our goal to help you understand the intricacies of the market, but by no means are we suggesting that we are giving you a complete and full guide to all of the risks and all of the difficulties you may encounter as a trader. The trading strategies discussed may be unsuitable for you depending upon your specific investment objectives and financial position. You must make your own investment decisions in light of your own investment objectives, risk profile and circumstances. Use independent advisors or ‘second opinions’ as you believe to be necessary. Therefore, the information provided on this website and in any representations made by any individual or company on this website, or in any function, seminar or video, or written testimonial in any way is not intended to be specific advice as to whether you should engage in a particular trading strategy or buy, sell or hold any financial product. Margin requirements, tax considerations, commissions and other transaction costs may significantly affect the economic consequences of the trading strategies or transactions discussed and you should review such requirements with your own legal, tax and financial advisors. Before engaging in such trading activities, you should understand the nature and extent of your rights and obligations and be aware of the risks involved.
According to information provided by Wiley, Louise Bedford and Chris Tate’s publishing house, as well as several other independent bookshops, Louise and Chris are both considered to be bestselling authors. This information may however, be out of date, flawed in some way, or inaccurate. Justification, provided by Wiley our publisher in an official capacity has been sought and provided with documentation available on request.
General Advice Warning:
The information on this website is of a general nature and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any of the information you should consider its appropriateness, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs.
Hypothetical Disclaimer:
All results are considered to by Hypothetical unless otherwise specified. Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not actually been executed, the results may have under or over compensated for the impact of any uncertain market conditions such as lack of liquidity. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown on this or any other related website. In fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. Furthermore, only risk capital should be used for leveraged trading due to the high risk of loss involved. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight. In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual trading. For example, the ability to withstand losses (and incur account drawdowns) or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading loses are important issues which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program, method or system, which cannot be completely taken into consideration with hypothetical performance results and will affect trading results and you profit and loss. Traders who have undertaken our trading have lost money. You need to be aware of this, accept responsibility for your own education and results, and quantify the risks to see if this is something you can resolve in your own mind.
We are in the process of compiling results from a hypothetical trading methodology to add to the website.
Risk in action
Risk is ever present in markets, it is an essential feature of all financial markets. As such it can never be removed only managed. An extension of this is that there is no such thing as a risk free trade, all trading carries with it the possibility of loss.
Risk presents itself to the trader as the possibility of losses – all traders at some stage in their career will have both single losses and groups of losses known as clusters. These groups of losses present themselves as a drawdown in the traders equity. This drawdown if not managed properly can be catastrophic to the trader and result in the total loss of all trading capital.
To better understand how drawdowns occur and how they influence the value of an account consider the chart below.
This is a chart of the growth of $1 dollar invested in the All Ordinaries Index from 1984 to the present day. You can see that there are periods where the peak equity represented by the red line climbed and periods where is went flat as the index fell away. At present you can see that the value of the index is well below its peak as markets struggle with the aftermath of the GFC. This drop away from the peak equity is known as a drawdown and the drawdown curve of this particular approach can be represented as follows.
This style of chart is known as an underwater equity chart and it tracks the drops in the equity of a given trading system. For example imagine you had a portfolio that tracked the All Ordinaries index. This graph would tell you how far your account had fallen and how long it had fallen for. For example if you headed into the GFC with this portfolio you could expect that your maximum drawdown on March 6th 2009 was 54.6%. That is if your tracking portfolio had been worth $100,000 at the peak of its equity as shown by our first chart it would now be worth $46,400.
All trading systems even those used by professionals suffer from drawdown. For example the chart below is from Abraham Capital a well known managed futures trend follower.
You can see that the curve is not a straight line but rather has peaks and troughs. Equity rises and equity falls.
These results can be further broken down by looking at the monthly returns for the fund. You can see that not all months are positive and that losing periods occur.
This pattern is repeated with all money managers irrespective of the style of trader or the market they trade. If someone tells you that they have no losing periods they are simply being dishonest. Periods of losses are inevitable for traders and investors.
It is possible to look at risk with more depth and the following discussion is more academic in nature and looks at sources of risk for traders and investors.
The moment we enter a financial market and make an investment, we are automatically exposed to two forms of risk. The first is avoidable risk – this is any form of risk which can be avoided and does not result in a reduction in potential performance. For example if I decided not to trade an illiquid market, I would be engaging in a form of avoidable risk reduction. The same case could be made for not using derivative markets when I have an incomplete understanding of them. I have made a decision that reduces my risk but does not impact upon my potential performance.
The second form of risk is unavoidable risk. Any form of unavoidable risk reduction will result in a reduction in the potential for performance. This is a little bit hard to understand initially but it becomes clearer when we look at the two main components of unavoidable risk – controllable risk and uncontrollable risk.
Controllable risk is what traders traditionally refer to as risk. This is the amount that is risked on each trade when it is initiated. Uncontrollable risk is simply those things we can never know until after they occur. These include things such as political upheaval, terrorism or the US banking system going face first into the mud because having an MBA apparently means you don’t understand that lending all the money you have to people who don’t have a job is a bad thing.
The key component here is the notion of a reduction in performance that flows from these two types of unavoidable risk. As said, this is hard to understand but it becomes clearer when we break these issues down into their components.
With regard to controllable risk, we have a narrow threshold of permissible risk that allows us to effectively risk manage our performance. If we risk too little then our performance is meaningless. For example, risking 0.1% on a trade would render most trades too small to be viable whereas risking 1% would make most trades viable and would result in a higher performance. Speculation must be worth the effort and it must be worth the effort when compared to alternative investment vehicles. We can see that excessive attempts at reducing this form of risk will lead to a drop off in potential performance. There is also a second side to this equation that everyone should be familiar with and that is risking too much is also detrimental to performance simply because losses build at an uncontrollable rate. It cannot be stressed too highly increasing your risk amount does not automatically translate into higher gains. There is an efficient threshold of risk beyond which total loss of capital is guaranteed. Prudence wins, reckless aggression results in disaster.
With regard to uncontrollable risk, or those things we cannot know, the only way to deal with these is to simply avoid trading all together. It is easy to see how this would affect our results since our potential return would be zero.
Once we enter the market, we also have some very subtle additional sources of functional risk that we have to understand and deal with and I have listed these below.
Time – the longer we are in the market the greater the probability of a move against us. This can seem a bit confusing but think of it simply as trends coming to an end. Whilst trends can last for extended periods, they eventually end. We have to accept that they do eventually end and to be prepared for this event. All too often traders are seemingly blind to changes in the market. Granted this blindness is generally related to either an incomplete system of a series of biases with regard to market direction but these reasons do not negate the fact that trends end.
Diversification – this is a very difficult concept for people to grasp. It is often thought that if your shares have different names then you are diversified. Unfortunately this is a somewhat simplistic view of the process of diversification then you are diversified. This is a very unsophisticated answer since true diversification is very difficult within a closed equity market such as Australia. A truly diversified portfolio might have a structure similar to this –
1. USD Index or $A Spot
2. Crude
3. Heating Oil
4. Soybeans
5. Coffee
6. High Grade Copper
7. Platinum
8. Palladium
9. Eurodollar
The interesting thing with diversification within closed equity markets is that the more diversified you are – that is the more instruments you own the more your performance will drop. This occurs because you begin to replicate the underlying index, once this replication takes place you will never be able to outperform the index
Liquidity – traders, particularly those with a fundamental bias, often treat trading as if it were a treasure hunt with the aim being to find things before anyone else does. This often leads to the purchasing of extremely low liquidity instruments at what are perceived to be bargain basement prices. The problem with this logic is twofold. Firstly, if no one else wants it, why do you, and secondly, how are you going to convince anyone else of the value of your purchase? In addition to these problems, a lack of liquidity leads to a lack of price discovery, which in turns leads to increased volatility and an inability to exit the instrument in a hurry.
Bid-Ask Spread – at any given time there might be 110 ASX stocks that have exchange traded options available to the trader. Many of these are household names such as BHP, RIO, WBC and NAB. However, many are not, and for some obscure reason (perhaps related to the notion of trading as a treasure hunt) traders insist on trading issues such as IPL, JHX and ORI, which have miniscule turnover.
The problem here is twofold. Firstly, the ASX allows these stocks to be listed, and secondly, a tiny band of traders want to try and trade them. Any optionable stock outside the top 10 by volume has very little turnover and the trader is at the mercy of the market maker. Note I said market maker singular. Most of these stocks only have one market maker, not several, such as with the more liquid stocks. As a result the bid-ask spread, whilst constrained by ASX guidelines, will usually be at its maximum because there is no one else there to provide price discovery.
Mentor Program Specific Information
The prime aim of the Mentor Program is to equip traders with the skills necessary to navigate their way through the maze of financial markets. The cornerstone of this is the ability to design effective and robust methodologies to cope with changing markets. Inherent within this is the need to instil in traders the need to manage the risks that dealing in particularly leveraged instruments present.
Our approach is very much one of there are old traders and there are bold traders – there are no old bold traders. A failure to accept and manage risk is often at the heart of all trader failures. This maxim applies to both the highly sophisticated and the Mum and Dad retiree. Failing to understand the risks of the instruments you are dealing with along with unrealistic expectations is a potentially disastrous combination.
The design of a trading system that is robust and efficient is generally a long and arduous process for traders. However, within the Mentor Program we have been able to short cut this process by introducing traders to long used techniques and by ruthlessly removing any idea that we consider to be detrimental to the survivor of the trader .
The statistics presented on this page represent an archetypal system that has been designed by members of the Mentor Program for the trading of equities within a conservative portfolio.
General Testing Conditions
System One
Initial Capital
Risk Per Trade
Portfolio Heat
20 open trades
ASX 300
Start Date
Last Date
Exit Method
ATR multiple stop
Exit Value
Lowest price on signal day
Survivor Bias
This testing was conducted over the ASX 300 on 12/08/2011. This raises the question of survivorship bias, where by definition the current constituents have survived over the period in question and may or may not have been included in the ASX 300 over the entire period of the backtest.
Conversely, the list excludes stocks that have now been delisted that have performed quite well over the period in question. Some examples include HIH, ABC learning, Babcock & Brown etc all experienced significant upwards trends before their fall from grace.
The overall impact of survivor bias upon the testing is that there will be a slight upward drift in the returns achieved.
Slippage & Brokerage
Brokerage was not included in the testing regime. The decision not to include was made for two reasons. Firstly, the widely disparate rates of brokerage paid by various traders. Brokerage payable ranged from $19.95 to $69.95. Secondly the number of trades taken by the system is very small, hence brokerage is not a major impost upon the profitability of a the trading system.
Stats at a Glance
Profit/Loss Stats
Profit Status:
Starting Capital:
Finishing Capital:
Maximum Equity/(Date-Time):
Minimum Equity/(Date-Time):
Gross Trade Profit:
Gross Trade Loss:
Total Net Profit:
Average Profit per Trade:
Profit Factor:
Profit Index:
Annualized Rate of Return
As can be seen by the above metrics the system was profitable over the time frame that was tested.
This profitability can be further explored by breaking the trading results down into yearly and monthly returns to gain an idea of how the profits in the system were distributed.
As can be seen this system was profitable in all years with the exception of the first year. This loss in the first year is an important phenomena in systems testing since it demonstrates that the system is taking its losses very quickly. This taking of losses leads to what is known as drawdown which has been discussed in depth in this part of the web site (insert risk discussion hyperlink)
The drawdown statistics for this system are as follows.
Relative $ Drawdown Stats
Maximum Dollar Drawdown:
Average Dollar Drawdown:
Relative % Drawdown Stats
Maximum Percentage Drawdown:
Average Percentage Drawdown:
Peak to Valley $ Drawdown Stats
Maximum Dollar Drawdown:
Capital Peak:
Capital Valley:
Peak to Valley % Drawdown Stats
Maximum Percentage Drawdown:
Capital Peak:
Capital Valley:
The important points to note about this summary of the systems drawdown are.
1. The dollar value of the peak to valley drawdown was $13,224.25
2. The percentage size of the peak to valley drawdown was 4.81%
This indicates that the system has good risk control as losses are not allowed to get out of hand.
These results yielded the following underwater equity curve.
In assessing the suitability for trading too often traders are overly concerned with how the system may make them without considering the journey that the system took to achieve those results. As an extreme example most traders could not tolerate a system that returned 50% pa if each year it could be expected to drawdown 60%. This would be a very difficult system to stick with. It is for this reason that traders should consider the underwater equity curve when looking at the systems returns.
The system returned the following equity curve.
It is important to understand that equity curves are not linear – equity does not grow in a straight line but rather is bumpy as winning and losing trades are mixed together.
Monte Carlo Results
In testing a system it is important to make certain that the system is truly robust and that the results achieved are not simply dependent upon the order in which the trades were taken. This is done by what is known as a Monte Carlo analysis which reorders the results to see what happens if trades are taken in a different order. In simple terms Monte Carlo analysis makes certain that you simply did not get lucky.
Monte Carlo Profit Stats
Maximum Profit:
Average Profit:
Minimum Profit:
Standard Deviation:
Probability of Profit:
Probability of Loss:
What these statistics show is that even if the system took the worst performing trades it was still profitable with a 0% chance of being a losing system.
It is possible to take a robust system and make gradual improvements to it through money management. In this instance we added simple pyramiding to the system to observe the difference if any in results.
Key Results Summary
No Pyramiding
Profit Status:
Starting Capital:
Finishing Capital:
Maximum Equity
Minimum Equity
Largest Winning Trade:
Largest Losing Trade:
Average Winning Trade:
Average Losing Trade:
Average Win/Average Loss:
Profit Index:
Annualized Compound Return
As can be seen pyramiding into an existing robust system adds to the profitability of the system. This profitability can be further explored with the following graphs.
The impact of pyramiding versus non pyramiding is shown below.
Once again the trajectory of a traders equity in achieving a given result needs to be considered when comparing systems. The chart below shows that the drawdown in the pyramiding system has increased versus the original system.
External Training
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Trading Game Pty Ltd
Lyndsay Phillips
6 months ago
Louise is so passionate about helping others get into trading with a roadmap to achieve results. She really breaks it down so it doesn't feel so overwhelming. Her unique perspective into the psychology and science backed mindset methods, to me, make her THE go to authority that gives you the x factor to truly succeed.
Alfred Henry Albertsen
6 months ago
læser alle mails. Meget oplysende.
Adrian Reid
6 months ago
I have known Louise and Chris for many years now and I truly believe they are some of the most honest and genuine members of the trading education community.I have worked with many graduates of The Trading Game's Mentor Program and they always have a strong grasp of how to trade successfully, strong trading psychology, effective risk management and a sound approach to trading decisions.The Trading Game Mentor Program is excellent and the care and support that Louise and Chris provide is outstanding.Highly Recommended!
saul lokier
7 months ago
Louise's program is a no-brainer. She will help you manage the most important market factor: your mind!
Rimma Kats
7 months ago
Louise Bedford and Chris Tate are super knowledgeable trading professionals who are sharing their extensive knowledge, experience, tools with all participants of their program. Thank you very much Louise and Chris
Chaz Horn
7 months ago
Louise is knowledgeable, smart, and the person you want to Connect with about trading. also, check out her podcast you'll be glad you di!
Michelle Brunacci
8 months ago
For anyone truly interested in improving their wealth mindset, I cannot recommend Louise’s latest book ‘Investing Psychology Secrets’ highly enough.It will not only dramatically (and quickly) re-frame your mindset to positively manage the inevitable psychological ups and downs that come with trading, it is also a fantastic positive psychology beacon to enable anyone to take head on the proverbial ‘whacks in the back of the head’ that life often gives. A genuine must read.
Luke Sultana
8 months ago
It's been a pleasure working alongside the team at Trading Game. Louise & the team have been amazing and I can't recommend them enough!
Nev Ets
8 months ago
A friend referred me to Chris and Louise's mentor program. I have found the mentor program to be invaluable in guiding me and providing the focus I needed to build the solid foundation for my journey to becoming a consistently profitable trader. The passion and depth of knowledge is amazing. Their books, blogs and podcasts are great and add so much to the learning process. The collaborative learning approach in the mentor program has set me up with some great companions that I look forward to engaging with every time. Highly recommend the Trading Game for anyone looking to take control of how they spend the precious time.
Rebecca Cole
8 months ago
Louise and Chris genuinly care about helping others become better traders. Their insights are grounded, sensible, and gimmick free. They dispense researched, reasonable, reliable advice. Check them out.
Ian Pratt
8 months ago
Pearl Hollowood
8 months ago
I first did the Mentor Program in 2013 as a complete newbie to the markets. The knowledge I gained and lessons I learnt are ongoing and invaluable. Chris & Louise provide a fabulous well structured course and if you are prepared to do the work required I highly recommend. This is a very interactive course where you are encouraged to participate and ask questions in a safe supported enviornment. The value I have gained is immense - not only from the initial course but also the ongoing support, psychology lessons that impact all areas of my life & trading friendships developed.
Tracy Fellows
8 months ago
I've found the mentor program this year with Louise and Chris to be just what I needed. I've traded for many years but they've lifted me to a more professional level where I now have complete focus on what's required to be a consistently successful trader. They have shown thrown hard work and determination you can succeed and become financially independent, however it's not something that happens overnight and without adequate funds available. You have to be realistic with what's achievable and the support they offer through their repeat for free program can help you to achieve your goals if you're determined enough. I'll always be appreciative to Louise and Chris for their guidance. Thank you both.
Jim Mcaninly
8 months ago
Have found them very informative and helpful on the road towards a successful trading career. Plenty of ideas and different ways to deal with yourself when things do not go your way.
P Hunt (ZPGH)
8 months ago
If you are serious about Trading and taking control of you finances ..and your life - this is the place to be. I did and now enjoying living life on my terms with financial serenity. :-)
Rod McDougall
8 months ago
Intelligent, insightful, well written coverage of the share market and how to trade.
Graham Nielsen
8 months ago
Chris and Louise add so much to traders from a holistic point of view, with advice that goes way above & beyond the daily profit and loss reality of the stock markets.
Malcolm B
8 months ago
I highly recommend the trading and mentoring advice of Chris and Louise that I have been fortunate to follow over many years.The dedication that Louise and Chris continually show in educating traders in their community to be their best is amazing.I started with the Mentor Course many years ago and have never looked back.
Jane Cornwell
8 months ago
Sanjoy Talukdar
8 months ago
Peter Holsman
8 months ago
I have learned more about trading in the last seven years than I thought possible. I now have a detailed trading plan that manages risk and tells me what trades to consider. Hope and wishful thinking are no longer involved in my decision making. Louise and Chris are fantastic mentors.
Jackie Gardiner
8 months ago
great place to get education for trading. Many other benefits too many to list.
Sue Kay
8 months ago
I have been fumbling around buying and selling shares with little success for years. I recently found the Trading Game and the teachings, processes and strategies has changed the way that I now trade the markets.
Aaron Paterson
8 months ago
If you want to get into trading but don’t know where to start this is the best course by a mile!Louise and Chris’ nurturing guidance will take you as far as you can even imagine for you to become a profitable trader. I knew nothing about trading when I first started the course and now I have the right tools to trade any market and any instrument on any timeframe. Thanks Louise and Chris!
Elizabeth Contreras
8 months ago
I highly recommend this course, it has helped me learn everything about trading from scratch, Louse and Chris are an amazing coach, they teach us all their years of experience in a single course that is fun and easy to learn, and this course is also available on an easy-to-use platform and you also have access to this content forever! Thanks Louse and Chris. :)
Greg Hermans
8 months ago
A simple clear and logical approach to trading by two of the most experienced in the profession. Highly recommended!
David Williams
8 months ago
Chris Tate gives very informative insights into the stockmarket and trading. His educational resources are exemplary and have greatly assisted in improving my profitability
Greg and Colleen Horton
8 months ago
I’ve been using Louise and Chris’s strategies for years, they are extremely effective and easy to follow.With excellent support and consistent communication providing a great platform for learning about new ideas.Highly recommended for anyone.
Angelo Vitale
8 months ago
I did the Trading Game Mentor Program 2 years ago which has had a major positive impact both in my trading plan and trading success. Consequently I am an on going member and weekly pod and newsletter follower of the Trading Game as it continues to add value and knowledge to my trading.
Philip Ladson
8 months ago
I completed the Mentor Program in 2015 and gained sooooo much knowledge and understanding, and as the saying goes you never stop learning and as with the Trading Game they never stop giving so you never stop learning. Such a great place to start your trading future or, to advance what you already know and with the Talking Trading sessions that are put out each week along with Chris's daily blog it is just a trading fest of information and support. Thanks so much.
Neil Webber
9 months ago
Good psychology is critical in all endeavours and across all aspects of life.
Peter Brady
9 months ago
Must be over 15 years ago I met Chris & Louise whilst attending their Mentor Program, I'm well overdue in taking up the free repeat offer. I have been able to stay in touch through their informative newsletters & videos. Although they have many professional traders following them, I believe Chris and Louise's Mentor Program is the perfect place to go for those starting out in the trading game.
Carson Care
9 months ago
Louise Bedford’s Investing Psychology Secrets book is a must-read for any trader or investor looking to build or fortify their psychological edge in the markets. It’s full of easy to follow practical tips and advice to apply immediately
KLM O'Keefe
9 months ago
Michael Barry
9 months ago
I completed The Mentor Program in 2023 to develop my trading skills. Louise Bedford & Chris Tate are terrific educators & most importantly for me they're both highly ethical & genuinely care about all their trading students. I'm almost there finalising my trading plan/system & about to commence my trading career in a well structured & business like manner. Without their continued guidance & support to develop my skills set I would've floundered & given up. Louise & Chris' books and other trading resources are essential to any aspiring trader who wants to learn from the best in the business.Thanks Louise & ChrisForever gratefulMichaelSydney NSW
Sam Westcott
9 months ago
Michael Rossiter
9 months ago
I find Louise’s and Chris’ insight and knowledge of trading very helpful and interesting no matter what level of trader you are.
Henry Allwright
9 months ago
The Trading Game is a must do for anyone who wants to create their own trend following trading system. I wish I had of completed the course years ago instead of dabbling around in the markets for a number of years prior. Louise and Chis's knowledge of the markets is second to none and give you all the personalised support you need to successfully create your own system not only throughout the course but also give you a forum post course with Alumni members to discuss advanced trading concepts which acts as great community for traders.
Leanne Savory
9 months ago
I have been a member of the Trading Game community for over 20 years and I cannot speak highly enough of it.I joined as a total rookie and have dabbled here and there with other programs but have always come back to my trading game roots.One of the biggest assets I have learnt is creating a rock solid foundation of money management which has protected me throughout some tough times.The community Louise and Chris have created is just marvelous. Not only is it a one stop shop for your trading education but a place where you can meet life long friends and get all the support you need along your trading journey.Chris and Louise are dedicated, down to earth and always generous with their wisdom. It really is a wonderful programme to be part of at any stage of your trading career.
Donald Borg
9 months ago
I discovered Chris and Louise through their books, which provide an excellent introduction to the world of Trading. They also offer a fantastic podcast and blog, both filled with valuable insights and lessons.The Mentor Program run by Chris and Louise is essential for anyone serious about trading. However, it's not for everyone. It's definitely not for those seeking a get-rich-quick scheme, as such a thing doesn't really exist. It’s also not for those unwilling to roll up their sleeves and put in the hard work. Open mindedness is crucial too!Their unique approach to teaching makes them outstanding mentors. I love Louise’s nurturing style, and I also appreciate Chris’s straight-to-the-point attitude.I am incredibly proud to be part of this community and grateful that I invested my money wisely. The program is not only setting me up to be the best Trader I can be but is also helping me improve various other aspects of my life.
Richard Booth
9 months ago
I am currently doing the Mentor Program with the Trading Game crew and can safely say that my eyes have been opened as to how to trade effectively. Louise and Chris offer no magical solution but they do give you the tools to demystify the art of trading. How you use the tools is up to you.
Philip Philips
9 months ago
This is my ninth year with the Trading Game and has change my life both financially and psychologically. Chris and Louise's Mentor Programme and Trading Boardroom have become part of my daily routine. I have read all their books ( including Louise's new book Investing Psychology Secrets, great read).It is by far the best Trading Education I have found. The community that has developed is testament to how exceptional Chris and Louise are.Also all the Talking Trading Podcasts and You Tube Videos provide even more invaluable information.I believe in Chris and Louise's education so much that I introduced my two daughters to them , now they are part of the community as well currently doing the Mentor Programme.
Helen Jones
9 months ago
I have known Louise & Chris since 2002 when I stumbled across them while looking to learn to trade. I did their Mentor Program (repeat for free) in 2003. The knowledge I gained protected me from blowing up in the markets & also make a little money. Our bank manager said we were the only people she knew who hadn’t lost large amounts of money during the GFC. Unfortunately work got in the way & I didn’t make full use of the information I learned back then. Then 19 years later I asked to take advantage of the “repeat for free” option & was welcomed back to repeat the Program again! You can’t say fairer than that! They know their stuff, they walk their talk & they are their word, that is a very rare commodity in the world of trading where charlatans & snake oil salesman abound.
David Trabinger
9 months ago
Chris and Louise from the Trading Game have been instrumental in progressing my career as a full-time trader. Their ability to educate and communicate tools and processes for analysing markets across all instruments and all timeframes is unsurpassed. Combined with their ability to help traders understand the complexities of the human mind and its influence on trading behavior is unmatched.
Tu Anh Nguyen
9 months ago
Louise is warm, kind and caring. Chris is more straight to the point approach. They work very well together in sharing their trading knowledge with others. I really enjoy being a part of the Trading Game community because it is a safe environment to learn how to trade well and grow to my potential, no judgement or discrimination to be found.
9 months ago
The word that comes to mind when I think of Chris and Louise is - Inspiration. If one is willing to do the hard yards with Chris and Louise guidance the possibilities are endless.
Treve Jenkyn
9 months ago
Louise has been an inspiration for me, I have found her books to be insightful and practical and they have aged well the advice is still relevant today.The Talking Trading podcast is a must listen, she breaks down complex market concept's into segments that make sense to me.Louie's passion comes through.I always enjoy listening to her interviews with industry expert's.Highly recommend for anyone serious about improving their trading knowledge and skills
Christine Dawson
9 months ago
Louise is a highly respected author, trader and mentor, who has played a pivotal role in my (and many others) trading journey. Her mentorship, which began over a decade ago has contributed significantly to my life's successes and I am deeply appreciative of her presence in my world.
9 months ago
If you wish to learn how to develop trading systems and implement them in a range of markets then Trading Game Pty Ltd is a great place to go. Chris Tate and Louise Bedford have many years of practical experience. They allow you to repeat the course at no further cost to consolidate and further develop your skills. They have also created a safe environment where past students engage on an ongoing basis to assist new students as they progress.
A “A” Scott
9 months ago
I joined the Trading Game program a few years ago to learn how to trade properly. Chris and Louise have provided the knowledge, and skills required to trade successfully and continue to help me improve year by year. I would happily recommend them.
Rik Schnabel
9 months ago
"I'm Rik Schnabel and as a wealth coach, many of my clients utilise trading as a wealth vehicle. So to help my clients further, I refer them to Louise Bedford, Australia’s leading trading authority.Louise is an accomplished author of six ground-breaking books on trading. She's also a force of transformation in the lives of thousands of people.Her caring guidance and expertise have helped my clients achieve financial freedom by mastering the markets. She's more than theories and strategies; Louise is all about real-world results. She gets results.The reason for my offering this testimonial to you is simple. I've witnessed first hand the incredible impact Louise has had on my clients; her students. She does more than teach them how to trade. She empowers them to become full-time traders, living life on their own terms so they can kiss good-bye to their 9 - 5.Her guidance has helped people dump their energy-sucking jobs. Change their entire way of life. Upgrade their holidays, the cars they drive. Increase the money they give to charities and the legacy they leave their children. I've seen the results she gets.If you're serious about transforming your trading game and achieving your financial goals, look no further than Louise Bedford. If you want help to grow your wealth, reach out to me and I’ll gladly connect you with Louise.
Lukasz Krawczynski
a year ago
Life changing experience
Doug Smith
3 years ago
I have known Louise Bedford and Chris Tate since 2014. I have always found them to be highly ethical people, who always work very hard to help people achieve the goal of successful trading in the financial markets.Under their business name, of The Trading Game, they continue to strive to help people reach their highest potential. I feel privileged to have found Louise and Chris 8 years ago.
Peter Munro
3 years ago
I completed both the mentor programme and Trading Boardroom. Chris and Louise are both still trading so what they teach is current and backed by decades of trading experience. I strongly recommend them.
Ian McKay
3 years ago
I've been a member of The Trading Game for over two years now and have gained invaluable insight, knowledge and experience in not only trading all available markets but in life in general. Chris and Louise are very 'hands on' with their training and education techniques, using differing styles while complementing each other perfectly. Chris and Louise go out of their way to be accessible to everyone, regardless of experience level. Additionally, the Trading Game community gives me access to some of the very best thinkers about trading who continually collaborate and encourage each other to achieve the best outcomes. The Trading Game will change your life, I know it has changed mine.
lee weston
3 years ago
Louise and chris are the real deal. They will teach you how to trade not just follow a system someone else has made. They create a community of like minded people and provide the support you need to get you trading well. Best thing I ever did for my trading. I would not have gotten as far as I have without them and the group as a whole. Cant recommend them enough.
Jean-Claude “JC” Siliato
3 years ago
The real deal - best in the business!
Frank De Jong
3 years ago
Louise and Chris are the real deal - not some fly by night, buy a black box trading system - they teach you to build your own trading system & think for yourself - it is not a get rich quick scheme, but a well thought out and structured course with ongoing support and a repeat for free option (which l have and continue to use) to fine tune my trading system over the last 10 years. Whilst the mentor program is not cheap (you get what you pay for) l have returned the cost of this course many times over - Cannot recommend the mentor program strongly enough - it has set my family up for a comfortable retirement + an ongoing income stream - thank you Louise & Chris.
Darren Thackeray
3 years ago
Chris & Louise are two terrific Mentors who do really know the ins and out of Trading and enjoy passing on their knowledge.I highly recommend them, if you are a novice trader or a more experienced trader looking to improve your trading then look up The Trading Game you will be pleased you did.It has been a fantastic journey and I feel fortunate to have been associated with them both.
S. Pawar
4 years ago
Brian Pettifer
4 years ago
4 years ago
Robyn Wawn
4 years ago
This reality-based six-month intensive training course is more than just learning how to technically trend-trade well for the rest of your life. It graphically sorts out what type of human being you really are and what to re-arrange about your current mindset to become one of the disciplined 5% who leverage from the skills learned to make money and create wealth through trading, for the long term. Their collective wisdom, decades of real-world market experiences and generous ongoing helpfulness given to individuals is exceptional and pleasantly surprising, without ego getting in the way. With this ongoing personalized assistance from some seriously smart and genuinely successful people, you work towards acquiring the necessary and few professional tools of the trade to progressively build and test your own individual trading system that fits your lifestyle, before you blindly jump in and out of the markets and do your dough. If you have a brain, ambition, persistence, plus motivation to work towards learning powerful skills, this is the one market resource and goal to singularly focus on and dedicate your energy to. The Trading Game is a definite YES. They take the biscuit. For starters, read and re-read the books written by Chris and Louise. Truth resonates. If you’re listening.
Jay Dee
4 years ago
Stephen McPherson
4 years ago
Louise and Gavin are both professional and helpful people. Their knowledge and willingness about the share market is exceptional and then to pass that onto budding traders is special. Have a problem not an issue send an email and you will get a response in a shot amount of time.
5 years ago
The Trading Game gives us a strong understanding of the financial markets and how we can trade them effectively and profitably using sound techniques based on risk management and a focus on capital preservation to go the distance when trading.Thoroughly recommended.
Anna C
5 years ago
Yvonne King
5 years ago
As a new trader listening regularly to 'Talking Trading', I gain exposure to the insights, wisdom and experience from some of the world's leading trading professionals - knowledge which may take me years to accumulate otherwise. It is a 'must' for anyone who wants to excel as a trader.
Josephine Williams
5 years ago
Trading Game delivers so many valuable facets of information. Caroline delivers in her interviews, making for an easy listening experience.Louise and Chris make a great team who generously share their knowledge and expertise in trading. Their sole intention is making the listener a better trader. The key is for the listener being ready to heed and absorb the good direction.I highly recommend making Trading Game your weekly 'must listen' to podcast.
David Bay
5 years ago
There is no need to look around and see what is on offer. I did that, I signed up and wow. The real deal, with 100% unquestionable ethics, dedication and honesty. No BS just actionable trading and direction. No sugar coating either!
Jason McIntosh
5 years ago
I recently attended a Trading Game live event in Sydney. As well delivering outstanding content, Chris and Louise also took lots of time to talk to their guests. It was clear that everyone in the room had the highest regard for them. I believe that sort of respect only comes to those who really make a difference to others. If you want to become a better trader, then check out their work. It's an opportunity you won't want to miss.
6 years ago
I find Louise very motivational and she is helping me keep engaged with this trading game. Highly recommend!
Kym Chilton
6 years ago
Chris and Louise are amazing people, generous with their exceptional knowledge and experience. They understand what it takes to create successful traders, albeit their support extends beyond just becoming a trader. If you are prepared to put in the effort and want to be involved in building your own trading system to achieve your passion/goals, you won’t find better and more qualified trading mentors than Chris and Louise. I highly recommend The Trading Game.
Bevan Clark
6 years ago
Chris and Louise's books are a must read for new traders. Practical knowledge and advice from experienced traders.
Cedric David Bacalzo
6 years ago
Two thumbs up! Keep up the good work :)
Loraxe Timbers
6 years ago
Highly recommended
Aaron West
6 years ago
If you’re taking your trading seriously, you have been looking for trainers, coaches and mentors.In this arena there are plenty of charlatans and fraudsters. However, I can assure you The Trading Game is not one of them.Chris and Louise are experienced traders, with decades of coaching and mentoring experience. They’ll tell it to you straight, build your skills and knowledge, and point you in the right direction.As you know, success will be up to you, they can’t give it to you. If you take guidance from The Trading Game, you will get there much quicker, with the confidence that you know what you’re doing because you’ve been coached be the best.
Trevor Ladret
6 years ago
Bach Yen Nguyen
6 years ago
Louise and Chris are great mentors. On Mentor program, you can learn from beginning to advance with many different instruments. I enjoy the program very much and build up my skill each year I repeat. I love the offers allows us to repeat over and over as long as we wish and have great supporting from trading buddy groups, if you take trading as a serious path I highly recommend their services.
John Cooke, Biz Xsell Pty Ltd
6 years ago
I completed the Trading Game Mentor Program some years ago now, and I've repeated it once since then for free. I can't recommend it highly enough. It taught me so much about trading and also about myself so I can now trade with confidence and with profit.
Nyssa Nair
6 years ago
Love Louise's work! I have followed Louise for years now and I love the inspiration and motivation mindset she shares and her dedication to perseverance. Thank you for your generosity and continued contribution.
Rafael Rodriguez
6 years ago
Louise and Chris have not only the knowledge and experience to help you success in the markets, they also have the commitment and the skills to transfer their invaluable knowledge and experience.Furthermore, unlike other programs out there, they won't lock you in a room, dump lots on information on you and then ride into the sunset. They'll stay put and support you all the way for as long as you want to be part of the TG Family
craig wainwright
6 years ago
Their trading education programs are outstanding. They provide clear, no nonsense practical advice to enable you to survive and thrive if you are willing to trade and learn . Their focus on the psychology of trading has been vital to me achieving a level of success I could not have otherwise attained
Roman Maroni
6 years ago
Two contrasting styles of teaching come together to create a great learning environment for new and not so new Traders
Dean Guirguis
6 years ago
The Trading Game has given me the right tools and support to tackle the trading world head on. I highly recommend them to anyone who wants to learn to trade properly. Thanks Chris and Louise for sharing your knowledge.
David Tran
6 years ago
Take your trading to the next level and your families financial future into your own hands with a proper trading education from Chris and Louise.I have attended many trading seminars over the years and by far the material from The Trading Game is excellent and the support is fantastic.
Gail Greenwood
6 years ago
Dreams can come true
Sonja Davie
6 years ago
Glad to see this business is surrounded by the places that make solitary trading easier: cafes, restaurants, a cinema and a music shop.
Joe Papa
6 years ago
A wealth of knowledge and a great program from two of the experts in the field . If you are contemplating trading, you want the expertise from these two great people that I call friends, by your side on that journey.
Asken Zibignu
6 years ago
These guys have the runs on the board to be classed as experts in the arcane art of trading. When you are a lone trader like I am it has been of untold benefit to me to be able to tap into their collective wisdom either through their newsletters, podcasts, seminars, books and so much more. I highly recommend their services to trader at any level.
6 years ago
Love these guys, straight forward practical info without the hype or BS. Also check out the Podcast as Caroline does amazing work.
6 years ago
Louise and Chris have a trader development program that offers exceptional education and allows you to repeat over and over to consolidate your skills and stay up to date. They have also created a family atmosphere with many course graduates continuing to participate year after year to give back and support other course members. A great investment in your future.
6 years ago
If you are looking to receive expert training in share trading, you have come to the right place. Chris and Louise provide very honest and realistic advice on how to be successful.
Damian Lee
6 years ago
Chris and Louise take what appears to be a complex world and demystify and simplify the jargon. They taught me the business of trading, not the hype that the internet fuels. Highly recommend.
Bruce Fenwick
6 years ago
Chris and Louise … what can I say?Well, I can tell you that they are the real deal. They have been there and done that, so they can guide you in how to get there and how to do it for yourself, for your partner, for your family etc.Without sugar coating it, yes, you will have to work and yes, you will get uncomfortable, however … if you bring with you a sense of adventure and an open mind … genuinely, it’s worth it.I can only tell you that in my experience it has been life altering … in a good way.