If you have ever wondered why the NBN rollout consigns us to internet speeds that are slower than that of the economic powerhouse of Trinidad and Tobago or why our vaccine rollout resembles a fire in a chook shed then look no further than our ranking in the following league table of sovereign wealth funds.
The astute among you will have noticed that Australia doesn’t feature. Despite being blessed with a country that is overrun with natural resources successive generations of politicians of both sides of the political spectrum have simply given this wealth away to rent seekers both domestic and foreign. The cynic in me wants to say that they have done so simply to curry favour with them for their career post politics. When I get time I might compile a list of politicians who have gone from politics straight to either lobbying or board positions.
If you expect the idiots that the self-centred narcissistic f#4ktards that are elected to parliament will ever do the right or smart thing then you are in for a rude awakening.
Yes, but a mirror is a useful attribute at times like this. Australians voted for the politicians we have, on both sides of politics. Even though he putatively lost the US election the ginger fool attracted 46% of the vote. We keep looking to the politicians in our attempts to divert attention from the true cause of our woes and miseries. “We have met the enemy …..”. (Misquote from Perry). Our country reflects us as its citizens. Our politicians are us. “Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’
Once again you are spot on the number of self interest pigs with their snouts in the trough is a national disgrace
Voting is futile.
“If voting made a difference, they wouldn’t let us do it”. – Mark Twain.
Haven’t we got the Future Fund?