The Fields Medal for mathematics is the equivalent of the Nobel Prize and is awarded to mathematicians under 40. The prizes this year contained a young female mathematician whose work on abstract surfaces is beyond me. This raises the blunt question of why the fuck has it taken so long to give the prize to a female – I understand that there are various reasons as to why females are under represented in physical sciences. However, this does not mean that there have undoubtedly been deserving young female mathematicians in the past who would have qualified for the prize.

The probable reason there hasn’t been a deserving female mathematicians is probably because there hasn’t been one. As my dear old Mum would say, ” there are only 3 kinds of people in this world – Those that can count and those that can’t”
I actually thought of deleting this comment but thought I would let it go through as an example of how profoundly stupid, misogynist and narrow some people are.
There is nothing quite like advertising your own failings in public.