Recently I have had occasion to be using LinkedIn because people for some reason instead of emailing me send me messages instead. I find LinkedIn to be fascinating. If Facebook is your slightly brain dead unemployed bogan cousin then LinkedIn is your archetypal idiot private school boy whose parents always bailed him out of trouble, bought him a business that he drove into the ground and whose marriage to your archetypal idiot private school girl has bit the dust because he has been playing mummies and and daddies with his secretary. One you can take on face value as being rubbish the other tries to convince you otherwise with a carefully crafted facade. Facebook has cat videos, anti vaxxes and racist whereas LinkedIn has self important individuals who give themselves job titles such as – Collectively Accelerer is shifting the dial on how transformation and change practitioners assist our clients
WTF does that mean?
Anyhow, this missive is not about members of generation whatever stringing words together that they dont understand thinking that it is an actual job. This is about my sympathy for people on their investment journey. I have always understood that taking control of your financial direction is difficult simply because you are entering an arena that is new to you and full of jargon. It is also full of people who do not have a clue what they are doing and who consider your interests to be way down their list of priorities. As an example of the jargon that people run into consider this example which is again from LinkedIn and is a partial explanation of what a given firm offers its clients
……..that explores the investment opportunities and value traps arising from the latest structural disruption developments.
At the risk of repeating myself WTF does that mean?
Doesn’t Warren Buffett say he doesn’t invest in anything he can’t explain easily in one sentence.